18/04/2013 |The Economist
The hidden consolation of disappointing Chinese growth is a more modern economy
FOR years, critics of China have complained that it prizes speed over balance. The economy’s expansion has been heedless as well as relentless, breakneck as well as headlong. Rapid development has turned fishing villages into factory towns and factory towns into financial hubs, but it has also taken a toll. Heavy investment has crowded out consumption, and heavy industry has muscled out services, as if making stuff mattered more than serving people.
This week, however, China faced a less
familiar complaint: it is not growing fast enough. New figures showed the
economy expanding by 7.7% in the year to the first quarter, marginally slower
than the previous quarter’s pace and notably slower than expected. The loss of
momentum was a puzzle, given the spectacular surge in credit in January and
March (see article). The fact it came at the same time as a lull in the
American economy (see article) and a relatively gloomy set of forecasts for most
big economies from the IMF did not help the mood. China’s stockmarket reacted
However, just as fast growth masked
underlying strains, so China’s disappointing growth has obscured two
encouraging trends that may matter hugely for China’s future.
although still low, made a bigger contribution than investment to China’s
growth in the first quarter. That sustains a break with investment-led growth
that dates back to 2011. Even more notable, services have trumped industry’s
contribution to GDP in the past three quarters and have almost matched it over
the past four—which has not happened since the 1960s.
In short China is modernising, becoming
more like a Western economy, with consumers and services to the fore. And these
two promising trends reinforce each other. Because services are more
labour-intensive than industry, their growth boosts wages and household income.
Fatter pay-packets then encourage consumption, and consumer spending, in turn,
favours services. In economic life, as one economist has put it, “Result
becomes cause and cause becomes result.”
Some of the results reflect political
causes. By passing stronger labour laws in 2008, China’s government bolstered
workers’ bargaining power and thus their consumer power. By allowing its
exchange rate to appreciate, it has directed China’s energies inward, away from
exports and towards services, which are often consumed at the point of
production. The regime is also busy easing the fiscal burden on the sector,
replacing a clumsy turnover tax with a lighter value-added tax.
Slower can be better
If China’s growth slows too sharply,
throwing lots of people out of work, such structural improvements will count
for little. Better balance is scant consolation to an economy on its knees. But
the slowdown has not yet hurt employment. According to Nomura, a bank, the
number of job vacancies per applicant in the first quarter was 1.1, the highest
since records began in 2001. Urban employment grew by 3m.
This tightness in the labour market
suggests that China’s economy is operating close to its limits. “Ultra
high-speed growth” is no longer feasible, let alone desirable, as Xi Jinping,
China’s new president, points out. Rather than chasing growth at any cost, his
government has imposed regulations on shadow banking, persevered with curbs on
property speculation, and clamped down on government extravagance, such as the
schmoozing and boozing, kowtowing and Maotai-ing that accompanies so much
official business.
As China’s economy matures, its pace will
slow. Fighting this economic law will only invite inflation, excess and harder
reckonings. Growing fast is a poor alternative to growing up.