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The new reality of China-UK relations

22/10/2013|罗思义 |观察者网

英国财政大臣乔治•奥斯本(George Osborne)上周访问北京期间与中国达成大量经济协议。但这些协议最终能够达成对英国来说殊为不易,因为英国为此付出了惨痛的政治和经济教训。

这些协议最终能达成部分应归功于英国政治家同心协力展开的魅力攻势。伦敦市市长鲍里斯·约翰逊(Boris Johnson)和财政大臣奥斯本刚联袂访问了北京,首相卡梅伦(Cameron)则将在秋天访问中国。
英国此次的做法显然与其三年前的政策大相径庭。当时刚当选首相的卡梅伦不顾中国的警告,挑衅性地会晤了达赖喇嘛。中国财政部副部长朱光耀为此表示:“坦白来讲,中英关系受到损害是因为卡梅伦首相与达赖会面造成的。”约翰逊则关闭了前伦敦市长肯·利文斯通(Ken Livingstone)在任时设立的伦敦驻北京和上海办事处。
当然,中国政府不会像我这么直白地指出损害中国国家利益的国家应该受到什么样的教训,但其他评论员可以不遵守外交礼仪要求道出事实。英国领导人已经发现,如果他们要追求自己国家的利益,他们就必须尊重中国的核心关切。新当选的澳大利亚保守派总理托尼•阿博特(Tony Abbott)则与英国领导人做法形成鲜明的对照,他在当选的第一天就向中国示好,希望与中国保持良好的关系。
五年前,临近2008北京奥运会开幕之际,法国总统萨科齐(Sarkozy )曾威胁不出席开幕式。但中国国家主席胡锦涛2010年11月访问法国时,萨科齐总统打破惯例亲自前往机场以最高礼遇迎接了他。
The new reality of China-UK relations
Britain’s finance minister George Osborne last week concluded substantive economic agreements with China during his visit to Beijing. But there are important political lessons as well as economic ones to be drawn from these agreements.
On the field of the economy there will be a Rmb80bn ($13bn) quota for UK-based financial institutions to invest in Chinese securities. In an important step China’s banks are to be allowed to set up branches, not just subsidiary companies, in London for wholesale banking operations. This means China’s banks will be able to tap their huge parent banks’ financial standing to meet capitalization and reserve requirements - earlier restrictions on this had led to Chinese banks basing their European operations in Luxembourg rather than London.
There will be direct RMB-sterling currency trading, although a precise timetable was not yet announced. This followed June’s Rmb 200bn ($32.6bn) currency swap agreement between the UK and China. The UK announced expedited arrangements for Chinese businesses and tourists to secure UK visas.
In the non-financial field a $1.28 billion Chinese investment into British property projects near Manchester airport was announced, following an earlier agreement on an investment of up to $1 billion by Chinese company ABP in the East London docklands areas.
There was also agreement China would participate in nuclear power projects in the UK – although this will not be so beneficial as these projects themselves are extremely controversial in the UK.
These announcements formed part of a concerted charm offensive by UK politicians. The Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, visited Beijing at the same time as Osborne. Prime Minister Cameron will visit China in the autumn.
This UK approach clearly constituted a sharp reversal of the UK’s policy in the previous three years. After being elected Prime Minister Cameron held a provocative meeting with the Dalai Lama despite warnings from China about the latter’s political activities. China’s deputy Finance Minister Zhu Guangya stated: “Frankly speaking, Sino-British relations were damaged because Prime Minister Cameron met with [the] Dalai,” Johnson closed London offices in Beijing and Shanghai opened by the previous Mayor, Ken Livingstone.
In addition to the economic agreements the UK political approach this time changed sharply. Osborne stressed Cameron had no plans to meet the Dalai Lama. The normally loquacious Johnson, who had previously written newspaper columns criticizing stress on teaching Mandarin in the UK, and claiming ‘Chinese cultural influence is virtually nil, and unlikely to increase’, refused to answer five times in a single UK TV interview whether he would meet the Dalai Lama – saying he was only a Mayor.
In short the UK politicians had been taught a sharp lesson in world realities. They had arrogantly believed they could come to power, insult China, and there would be no consequences. Instead, faced with China’s economic rise, they were forced to sharply change their tune. European countries which attack China’s core interests, such as encouraging the separatist activities of the Dalai Lama, will suffer unacceptably painful consequences was the clear lesson.
China’s government, naturally, will not point out that lesson in quite such blunt terms, but other commentators can point out the truth without the requirement to observe diplomatic niceties. The UK’s leaders found that to pursue their own country’s interests they needed also to respect China’s core concerns. The contrast to the approach of Tony Abbott, Australia’s new conservative Prime Minister, who from day one in office attempted to achieve excellent relations with China, is rather evident.
This UK experience is part of a general trend in Europe in the last five years. Some European countries, notably Germany, have pursued continuously good relations with China and strongly benefitted economically as a result. But others had to go through the same learning curve as the UK Conservatives.
Five years ago, in the run up to the Beijing Olympics 2008 French president Sarkozy threatened not to attend the opening ceremony. By November 2010, when President Hu Jintao visited France, President Sarkozy did him the special courtesy of meeting him personally at the airport.
In early 2008 in Ireland a poll in the Irish Times showed a campaign for an Olympic boycott, promoted by figures from most Irish political parties, had the support of 43 percent of Ireland’s population – compared to 57 percent favoring participation. In 2012, in contrast during Xi Jinping’s visit to Ireland as Vice President, every major party and newspaper spoke in favor of closer links with China.
Since 2008, in addition to the negative effects of the European economic crisis, China’s investments in Europe have moved beyond bond purchases to major deals – particularly in infrastructure. The recent agreements with the UK followed after China’s Three Gorges Corporation bought a 21 percent stake of EDP-Energias de Portugal SA for $3.5 billion, and China Investment Corporation, China’s sovereign wealth fund, bought a nine percent stake in the holding company of the UK’s Thames Water.
There had been a strong debate in the UK media on relations with China. For example the UK Daily Telegraph carried a headline regarding Xi Jinping’s visit to the US before he became president that ‘China’s upcoming leader Xi Jinping has been wined, dined... and warned.’ In contrast the UK’s Guardian newspaper recently carried an editorial headlined ‘Chinese economy: headaches to die for’ arguing: ‘Any appraisal of China's prospects must begin by admitting that the Middle Kingdom is the most astonishing development success story in the world today.’ Even a tabloid newspaper, such as the UK’s Daily Mirror, carried a major story emphasizing the positive role of UK trade relations with China.
Not merely the substantive agreements but the political tone of leading UK politician’s visits to China shows that this dispute has been decisively decided in favor of those who want good relations with China. This is a development which benefits both sides. While the Chinese government’s firm attitude to the UK, after the Conservative led government’s provocative approach to China, clearly showed it was willing to subordinate other considerations to defending the country’s core interests China nevertheless would evidently prefer and benefit from better relations with the UK. In addition to investment in the UK economy London is Europe’s financial capital and the world’s most important center for foreign exchange dealing –a matter of considerable interest to Chinas as it proceeds with RMB internationalization.
The UK government earlier wasted time with its futile policy towards China and it is good to see from the outcome of Osborne’s visit that dealings have returned to a rational path. The sharp reversal of the UK government’s approach showed that is suffered much more than China from its earlier policy but a ‘win-win’ approach is much more beneficial for everyone concerned.


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