Chinese schoolchildren edge their way along a precarious clifftop path as they make their way to class on what must surely be the world's most spectacular school run.
The one hour trip to Banpo Elementary School, located halfway up a mountain in Bijie, Guizhou Province, takes in spectacular views, treacherous hillside passes and tunnels hewn out of the rock.
The youngsters from the nearby Genguan village are accompanied by Headmaster Xu Liangfan as they climb the narrow winding footpath cut into the mountainside. This 'footpath' was actually created 40 years ago as an irrigation ditch.
High road: Headmaster Xu Liangfan accompanies children to school along a narrow footpath in Bijie, Guizhou Province, China
Long walk: Headmaster Xu Liangfan accompanies children to school along a narrow footpath in Bijie, Guizhou Province, China
Tunnel: Parts of the 'footpath' were actually created 40 years ago as an irrigation system
There is another safer route but taking this means it takes the children two hours to walk to school which has 49 students.
Due to this most opt for the narrow footpath, which takes less than an hour.
The pebble-covered footpath is less than 0.5 meters wide and means the children have to walk single file and press themselves into the side of the mountain is someone wants to squeeze past
The school run takes the children along clifftop paths, through long tunnels and takes in some stunning scenery
Ping pong: The youngsters get in a game of table tennis on a crumbling stone table high up the hillside