A newly released survey conducted by the Ministry of Culture in Taiwan reports that the Taiwanese read only two books a year on average. While the well-known Chinese adage "with just one book, a man is never poor" offered some comfort to centuries of impecunious literati as they honed their calligraphy to the neglect of their purse, two books hardly adds up to an intellectual fortune. For decades, Taiwan has boasted a reputation as a literary society. Why then, is there such a discrepancy between Taiwan's cultivated image and its book-shunning public?
One plausible explanation for their seeming disregard for the printed word is that reading habits have changed. As the Ministry of Culture's report points out, the publishing industry is facing fierce competition from digital media as more and more people turn to the Internet as their main source of information. But Taiwan's abscence from the top table of internet users in a survey by comscore would seem to suggest that the Taiwanese are online less than their neighbors in China, Japan, and South Korea, who read 4.3 books, 8.4 books, and 10.8 books per year respectively. Nor, as the Minister for Culture Long Yingtai has highlighted, is the digital book market in Taiwan growing at an alarming rate; publishers seem reluctant to release their products in digitized form, perhaps for fear that they will fall victim to piracy.
The Taiwanese are reading less than their Asian neighbors, and book stores are floundering. In 2012, the turnover of the domestic book market was 76.4 billion NTD (about $2.5 billion), a 5.4 percent drop from the previous year. In recent years, 70 percent of booksellers on Taipei's Chongqing South road, renowned for its cavernous bookshops and quirky literary parlors, have closed their doors to the public. In an effort to revitalize their dwindling industry, booksellers are calling for the government to issue book consumption vouchers, or institute a policy whereby book expenses can be claimed against tax.
However, Chu Anmin, the head editor of INK Publishing, believes that a drop in book sales does not mean decline in reading, as bookworms may be going to libraries to get their fill of print instead. My own experience of public libraries in Taiwan does not confirm this conjecture. The library, while rarely empty, does not primarily serve the function of providing material for enthusiastic readers. It is, rather, a place for elders to scan the newspaper and socialize. It is also a haven for excited young couples to romance behind the bookshelves, as Taiwanese young adults often live at home and must find a quiet corner in a public place to engage in intimate frivolity. Libraries even serve as battlegrounds for frenzied high school students cramming for university entrance exams. The bookshelves are an aesthetic backdrop to the struggles of youth and the languor of old age.
But if the statistics are true, then what two books have captured the attention of the Taiwanese public? A recent look at the bestsellers list of the nation's most popular online bookstore, www.books.com.tw, reveals the number-one book to be Bone-fide Medicine(《真原医》), by the dashing doctor Yang Dingyi. Books on health and beauty often sell the best. Next is Of Course You Can Get Your Sight Back (《视力当然可以回复》), by Nakakawa Kazuhiro, which details a series of eye exercises for people hopeful to improve their vision. The remaining eight books are Western novels (translated literature accounts for over 40% of all book sales and 80% of bestsellers), including two volumes from the Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy.
The notable absence of Taiwanese authors from these lists is a recent change. In the 1980s, when Taiwan's literary scene was in full swing, the pens of authors such as Huang Chunming, Wu Nianzhen, Zhang Dachun, and Li Ao were busy producing bestselling books that crowded the nation's shelves. Now, only Li Ao still struggles on, publishing provocative tracts on the depravity of American presidents and reeling off eclectic political and literary commentary on his weekly television show. With readers doing less reading, writers are doing less writing.
All of this has led some to ask, how can we get the Taiwanese public to read more?
Ye Meiyao, the head editor of New Classics Publishing House (新经典出版社),says that while a reform of book tax and pricing would help, the issue must also be addressed through education. From primary school onwards, children should not only be encouraged to read, but also told what to read, so that they develop the ability to choose a good book.
Some feel, however, that this is precisely this kind of muddle-headed idea that has put so many people in Taiwan off reading in the first place. Children are already overloaded with information from an early age, and must memorize and recite reams of Classical poetry to get through the school year. The last thing that students need is for a teacher to tell them what to read in their spare time.
One solution to the problem would be to allow for one hour of dedicated reading per day, during which time students would be able to delve into any book they wished. The distractions of modern entertainment mean that many children have not acquired the habit of sitting down quietly to read and develop their own interest in books. Literary taste, whether it is the best in science fiction, manga or French poetry, can go a long way to shaping one's personality. The Taiwanese preference for manuals on health doubtless affords us some understanding of the nation's psyche, but the empty bookshelf will keep us guessing.
William Blythe studies Chinese Literature at National Taiwan University.
26/03/2013 | 南方朔 | 中國時報
第一個是哈奇森(Francis Hutcheson),他是神學家及道德哲學家,也是亞當斯密的老師,後人都尊稱他為「蘇格蘭啟蒙運動之父」。他最傑出的乃是對教育思想的貢獻。他認為神學、哲學、科學與美學都是在探討世上道理不同方法,並不互相牴觸。因此在他的教育課程裡,神學、倫理學、修辭學與詩學,以及數學、物理學、醫學和機械學都等量齊觀,開創了現代教育的新境界;蘇格蘭啟蒙運動開始了現代科學發明及工業革命的新時代。
第二個是威瑟斯朋(John Witherspoon)。他是英格蘭長老教會的牧師和道德哲學家。由於聲名在外,一七六八年初,美國的普林斯頓學院特請他擔任校長,於是他偕妻子搭乘輪船,走了十一個星期,當年八月到了普林斯頓。他的到來,是美國教育史的里程碑,他把哈奇森的教育理念帶了進來。學風自由、努力求知、鼓勵創新等新的方法進入美國,使普林斯頓人才薈萃,政治家和科學家輩出。