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作者:Kurt Campbell 2013325金融時報




這種轉變產生了非常明顯的效果,盡管可能並不廣為人知。日本是阿富汗建設公民社會的最大支持者,投入了數十億美元為阿富汗建設學校、資助公務員和提供培訓。阿拉伯之春(Arab spring)後,韓國一直利用其新建的援助部門提供的資源,支持中東各國的發展。馬來西亞、印尼、泰國等多個東南亞國家已向伊拉克和阿富汗提供物質援助。澳大利亞和新西蘭等國已向阿富汗派遣特別部隊。就連中國也開始以積極得多的姿態,參與旨在抑制伊朗核野心的幕後外交。





本文作者是亞洲集團(The Asia Group)主席兼首席執行官、新美國安全中心(Center for a New American Security)董事。2009年至2013年擔任美國東亞及太平洋事務助理國務卿。

作者:Kurt Campbell 2013325金融時報

There is a caricature of America’s “pivot” to Asia and it goes something like this: the Middle East and south Asia are the graveyard of US power and prestige and Washington must cut its losses to these ungrateful nations as quickly as possible and turn its full attention to the21st century that is playing out on more peaceful and profitable shores in the Asia-Pacific region. This concept of the pivot is posited not only to be in American interests but is also the supposed preference of most Asian nations.

But things are not so cut and dried in Asia, as elsewhere. There are many problems with the premise abstracted above beginning with the notion that Asia is somehow more about commerce than conflict. Indeed, just beneath the booming markets, the region is simmering with tensions, ranging from the deeply provocative actions of North Korea and, the growing defence budgets of leading nations in the region, to the vexing maritime disputes that are roiling relations in the South and East China Seas. So even when the US is finally able to devote more resources and attention to Asia – and that day is coming – it will be no picnic for American diplomacy.

Yet the most important fallacy in the caricature has Asian nations hankering for a rapid US withdrawal from the Middle East and a refocusing of American attention on Asian pursuits. This notion is demonstrably wrong and misunderstands several critical trends and realities.
For instance, Asian nations have quietly built a substantial stake in the furthering peace and stability across the Middle East and south Asia in the past decade. At one time, most Asian nations were primarily concerned by developments playing out in their immediate region. Problems elsewhere were someone else’s. One of the more important contributions of the Bush administration’s Asia policy was to recruit the rising players of the east to play a more active role in helping to address the challenges to their west. For really the first time, many Asian nations developed an “out of area” perspective and became much more actively engaged in the diplomacy, development challenges and security matters of the Middle East and south Asia.

The results have been remarkable if less well-known. Japan is the largest supporter of elements of civil society in Afghanistan, committing billions of dollars to schools, civil servants and training. South Korea has used the resources from its newly established aid agency to support development efforts across the Middle East in the wake of theArab spring. Several south-east Asian states such as Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand have provided material assistance in Iraq and Afghanistan. Australia and New Zealand among others have sent their special forces to fight in Afghanistan. Even China has been much more active in the behind the scenes diplomacy aimed at constricting Iran’s nuclear ambitions.

These Asian nations have now invested substantial political capital, financial support and in some cases military forces over the course of more than a decade. They have a combined interest in seeing their investments not go to waste and to avoid a cut-and-run strategy that would undermine all that they have worked towards. Many of these early decisions to engage were unpopular on Asian home fronts and would become even more so if they are perceived to have ended badly.

Then there is the matter of the growing energy reliance of Asia on the nations of the Gulf. There is an uncompromising need on the part of every oil and gas importer in Asia (ie, all of north-east Asia) to see stability in south Asia preserved and strengthened. A hasty American retreat carries with it unacceptable risks in the arena of energy security.

Finally there is the matter of American power and prestige. A critical component of US stature as a stabilising power in Asia is the underlying credibility of its commitments. Can the US be trusted as a staunch ally when the going gets tough? A premature and unceremonial exit from enduring American interests in the Middle East would only raise Vietnam-like memories across Asia.

The US will continue with its pivot – or better, it’s rebalancing of strategic equities to Asia. But it is in America’s profound interests, as well as Asia’s, that this process be undertaken responsibly. A paradox then of the pivot: American attempts to grow its power and prestige in Asia will be judged in part by how it honours both American and Asian interests in the Middle East drawdown.

The writer is chairman and chief executive of The Asia Group and on the board of the Center for a New American Security. From 2009-13 he served as the assistant US secretary of state for east Asian and Pacific affairs

By Geoff Dyer in Washington
November 18, 2011 THE FINANCIAL TIMES

President Barack Obama has pledged that planned cuts in defence spending will not affect America’s military presence in east Asia, as the US seeks to play alarger rolein shaping the region’s future.
Speaking to the Australian parliament in Canberra, Mr Obama said Washington hoped to improve co-operation with Beijing, but stressed that the US was “here to stay” as a Pacific power despite China’s dramatic economic and military advances. The Asia Pacific region, he added, was now a “top priority”.

The speech, one of the most significant foreign policy statements of Mr Obama’s presidency, brought together several important shifts in US strategy that have been taking shape over the past two years and are aimed at addressing the rise of China. These include the winding down of the US wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and increased attention onsouth-east Asia and the South China Sea.

The president also emphasised Washington’s desire for India to play a larger role in regional issues.

“Here is what the region must know. As we end today’s wars, I have directed my national security team to make our presence and missions in the Asia Pacific a top priority,” said Mr Obama. “The United States is a Pacific power and we are here to stay.”

He was speaking a day after he formally announced2,500 US marines would be based in northern Australianext year, along with more aircraft and naval vessels, providing the American military with a new platform for intervening in the region. “We are deepening our alliance and this is the perfect place to do it,” he said later in the day in Darwin.

While the Pentagon is planning at least $450bn of spending cuts over the next decade, Mr Obama said Asia would be exempt from such pressures: “Reductions in US defence spending will not – I repeat, will not – come at the expense of the Asia Pacific. We will preserve our unique ability to project power and preserve peace.”

The new agreement with Australia was criticised by Chinese officials, who fear that the US is bent on trying to contain their country’s rise.

“It may not be quite appropriate to intensify and expand military alliances and may not be in the interest of countries within this region,” Liu Weimin, a Chinese foreign ministry spokesman, said.

Mr Obama used a regional summit last weekend in Hawaii to promote the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a trade pact that at the moment does not include China. It is expected that he will use another regional summit this weekend in Indonesia to raise the issue of maritime security in the South China Sea, despite Beijing’s opposition.

During his first year in office, Mr Obama sought to avoid confrontation with China and even appeared to offer a strong partnership with Beijing to manage a host of global issues.
However, over the past year his administration has appeared increasingly sceptical about China’s ambitions. Unnerved by what some see as more aggressive behaviour by China, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Vietnam and several other countries have encouraged the US to increase its engagement with the region.

Mr Obama said Washington was not looking to contain China and hoped to improve collaboration with the People’s Liberation Army.

“We’ll seek more opportunities for co-operation with Beijing, including greater communication between our militaries to promote understanding and avoid miscalculation,” he said. “All our nations have a profound interest in the rise of a peaceful and prosperous China.”


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