作家尼尔·弗格森(Niall Ferguson)说,全球经济重心从西方转向中国等新兴经济体的速度令人震惊。弗格森是哈佛大学历史学教授,曾在2008年总统大选中为共和党总统候选人约翰·麦凯恩担任顾问。他说:“如果你回想一下1978年当你还是少年的时候,当时美国人的平均富裕程度是中国人的22倍,而现在还不到他们的5倍。全球不平衡出现了令人惊奇的缩减,而这一切实际上发生在仅仅30年的时间内。”
尼尔·弗格森(Niall Ferguson),英国籍苏格兰人,英国当代著名历史学家。他是哈佛大学历史学与金融学教授,牛津大学高级研究员,斯坦福大学胡佛研究所高级研究员。著有《货币崛起:金融如何影响世界历史》(The Ascent of Money)、《文明》、《帝国》、《罗斯柴尔德家族》等。
Niall Ferguson: 'West less good at being
From Andrew Stevens, CNN
November 26, 2012
(CNN) -- The
speed at which the global economy has pivoted from the West to emerging
economies like China is astounding, says author Niall Ferguson.
"If you think
back to 1978 when I was a teenager, the average American was 22 times richer
than the average Chinese. And today it's less than five times," said
Ferguson, a Harvard history professor and a former adviser to 2008 Republican
Party presidential candidate John McCain. "That's an amazing reduction in
the global imbalance and it's happen in the space really of 30 years."
"The West is
at a different phase of development -- economically, demographically -- and
it's also at a different place culturally from these countries that are
emerging from various forms of economic control -- whether the bureaucratic
system of post-Raj India or the communist system that was gradually dismantled
economically in China after 1978," he said. This is bringing back one of
the most remarkable shifts in the global balance of economic power."
Ferguson sat down
last week with CNN's Andrew Stevens in detailed talk on the global economy.
What are the
underlying reasons for the decline of the West?
In our lifetime
Western ascendancy is coming to an end, after 500 years, when the story was the
great divergence -- when the west got much richer than everybody else. And it's
extraordinary that really since the 1970s, this historical tide has turned.
I think there are
two processes at work here. One is the rest of the world -- led by China --
have been downloading our killer applications. They have been imitating the
things that work well in the West, particularly in the realm of business. And
this is to be celebrated. It's great to see countries like China and India
lifting hundreds of millions of people out of poverty by essentially copying
Western ways of doing things.
But I think there
is another process at work, which is in some ways independent -- the West is
becoming less good at being the West. The things that worked well in the West
for over half a millennia don't work so well now. And one way of looking at it
is to say: Why is it that the Western economies have malfunctioned? It's not
just that there ways a financial crisis and bankers are terrible people. It's
much more profound than that.
Why are Western
economies performing so badly?
One way of thinking
about this is to ask why so many economies, most of them Western -- Japan is
the exception -- are currently crushed by debt, which in some cases exceed 100%
of GDP? And these debts are forecast to rise even further in the U.S. The
simple answer is to say there is a terrible problem of government extravagancy,
but I don't think that's the right answer. One way of thinking about this is to
say that debt represents a tax on the future. And the big accumulation of debt
that we've seen over the last 20 or 30 years in the Western world reflects a
breach of contract between the current generation and the next generations. And
these debts represent a big burden on the future. And that is one reason I
think we've seen a slowdown in the Western world because these burdens of debt
act as a major check on economic dynamism.
Why has this
generation decided to ignore future generations? Why have we become so selfish?
At some level I
think it's a cultural shift. We've moved a long way from our ideals of
self-sacrifice for the future that characterized the West during its hay days
of industrialization, overseas expansion -- not to mention large-scale warfare.
So there's partly been a cultural shift towards the 'me generation' -- consume
now, live in the present. But I think it's slightly more than that.
I think what
happened after World War II was that it was decided in most Western countries
to create pretty generous welfare states that were going to exist to transfer
resources from the rich to the poor. And that worked pretty well. It did reduce
inequality in those countries when these systems were introduced. But over time
the welfare state has become dysfunctional in a surprising way. But in a way it
became a victim of its own success: It became so successful at prolonging life,
that it becomes financially unsustainable, unless you make major changes to
things like retirement ages. And everywhere you see the same basic story,
whether you're looking at northern Europe, southern Europe, or north America --
welfare states become harder and harder to finance, and structural budget
deficits emerge.
That's to say
deficits that are there even when the economy is growing well. And I think
these are symptoms of a more profound problem that is causing the Western
slowdown. Contrast that with the story in Asia, where welfare states, let's say
in China, are much less well developed.
Is it going to
take something like a fiscal cliff -- a sovereign debt crisis -- to bring this
period to an end?
The European
experience suggests nothing gets done until there is a crisis. And this crisis
has begun in countries like Spain, Greece, Ireland, and I think soon it will
spread to France, as people begin to realize that the French position is
actually no better than the other Latin European countries. At some point one
can imagine a crisis like that happening in the most developed Asian economy,
Japan. And I think sooner or later it may end up happening in the U.S. Although
I must say I'm becoming less and less sure that will happen soon. There are
things happening in the U.S. that make it quite different, in the sense for
example that the demographics are not so bad -- partly because of immigration
-- and also interestingly the U.S. is about to have the most amazing free lunch
on the back of shale gas and shale oil. The US economy is going to get a really
big shot in the arm.
U.S. set for
fracking bonanza, says historian Ferguson
What then is the
restructuring that needs to happen at an economic level in the West?
Well, I think the
most important thing to recognize is that it's not just about taxing and
spending. If you define this too narrowly in fiscal terms then you end up in
the mess that southern Europe is in -- trying to balance the budget, even as
your economy is shrinking. It's better I think to ask questions of a more
profound nature about the institutional framework within which society
operates. To me one of the most profound contrasts between the West and the
rest is that things like the rule of law -- regulation, bureaucracy -- are
becoming more burdensome in Western countries, even as they are becoming less
burdensome in emerging markets.
You mean they are
getting in the way of development?
They really are. I
mean one of the main arguments that I make in my new book, "The Great
Degeneration," is that the rule of law in the US is becoming the rule of
lawyers. The legal profession has become a very major source of cost for
business. You have very complex regulation and a very parasitic legal
profession, and it battens off the private sector. It's almost impossible for
any major organization to function without a huge compliance department and
teams of lawyers. And that is all just dead cost. It doesn't really add to the
productivity of the economy.
And I think that's
one of the things that I am trying to focus on: Why is our regulation so
over-complicated? Why does the tax code occupy shelves, rather than just a few
pages? And why is it that if you want to regulate the financial sector, you
need a bill that is 2000-plus pages long? If we could aspire for greater
simplicity and transparency in the tax code and most regulation, I think there
would be real benefits.
As China cherry
picks the best of the West, do you think they may also fall into Western
excesses as well: Is this an evolutionary likelihood?
It's possible.
They have some way to go. Short-term, I think the biggest problem facing the
Chinese is the rule of law question. It's not the democracy question. It's more
-- can China transition to a system in which the rule of law really works? That
matters a lot for China's rapidly growing middle class. They want security for
their property. They do not want to feel that they could have their property
confiscated by an all powerful party at the drop of a hat.
It's not difficult
to see what China needs to do, but whether it can do it politically, whether it
can override the vested interests, or not, I really don't know.
If you think about
it China is acquiring this huge middle class that's one of the direct
consequences of rapid growth. And historically if you look at the Western experience
it's the middle class that starts to push for rule of law and representative
government and freedom of the press -- those are middle class things to want.
You really don't worry about those things if you're a peasant or an industrial
worker. It's inevitable I think that as this class grows in China, it will
start to behave in the ways that middle classes always behave. And the
Communist Party is not well set-up to meet those demands.